New blog stack with NuxtJS, Content and Tailwind

First published May 18, 2022, updated July 26, 2022

The only thing I enjoy more than inevitably deleting my blog, is rebuilding it again at later point with a new stack. The current incarnation is NuxtJS with the @nuxt/content module, Tailwind CSS and Github pages.

I have a private Github repo for the NuxtJS codebase and a public repo for the Github pages content which is linked into the NuxtJS dist repo as a submodule.

The git submodules workflow isn't my favourite, but for this kind of non-standard use case it works reasonably well and I can live with it. Shortly after I realised Github Pages allows the configuring of a directory other than the root of the repo to be used for serving content, so this was rendered moot and I simply get Nuxt to generate my content into a docs directory now and deploy all as one.

When I generate the static site with NuxtJS the dist repo is updated and publishing is done with a push back upstream to Github.

Nuxt Content has a handful of features which makes it great for this kind of Github pages powered blogging workflow, like being able to put the Github Page's CNAME file in the static directory and having it copied over to your served content directory on generation.